About me

Since a young age I have been fascinated by the power of the mind, and the power of our thoughts and emotions, not only for healing the physical body but also for creating the lives we want for ourselves. I think we sometimes forget just how powerful are minds are.

When I finished my compulsory education, I decided I’d finally start creating the life I wanted for myself. So, at the age of 18, I decided to leave home, in London, and move to Gran Canaria and gave myself the aims of finding work within a month, settle there and learn Spanish. Although fearful, I needed that adventure into the unknown and to challenge myself. Time passed and I loved living on a subtropical island yet moving abroad had been intense and at times very uncomfortable and lonely. However, the taste of doing something bold for myself to create the experiences I wanted in life propelled me to continue doing so and evoked me to really pursue my passion in therapy work and healing. I hadn’t noticed that I still held unconscious thoughts (thoughts I was not aware of) around my dream of being a therapist and healer. These unconscious thoughts were holding me back from perusing my dream. Unconsciously, I didn’t think it was a “realistic” career path and that I’d always have to do it as a “side thing” and in a sense keep it hidden from the people around me.

After a year of living abroad, I moved back to London and I started experimenting more deeply with my own unconscious mind. From the knowledge I’d gained from books I’d read and videos I’d watched on healing the unconscious mind, I started using these techniques on myself to heal aspects of myself I didn’t quite like. I was fascinated by the insights the unconscious mind revealed and how memories I had completely forgotten about resurfaced. The more I explored and healed my inner world, the more I found benefit from it. I was unaware at the time that Cognitive Hypnotherapy existed which had the same approach of healing I was doing on myself, healing from the root. So, when I came across this therapy, I was so pleased I could be qualified in something which I already knew was empowering and be able to help others with a deepened understanding and with many new techniques.

I’m passionate about helping people create the lives they want for themselves and since I’ve committed to living my life in this way, I know following our dreams isn’t always easy. Facing my fear of moving abroad and facing the unconscious aspects holding me back from pursuing my dream job have been instances which hadn’t been easy for me. Yet it is so often true that facing our fears and challenging ourselves is where we find the most growth and beautiful new opportunities. Are there aspects in your life you are called to face and would like me to help you explore? I believe the journey of life should be lived from our core, allowing what we create and do in life to be an expression of our authentic selves. This is my truth and I’d love to hear yours. Be your truth.

Greta Trentin



If you need any particular assistance, please let me know and I’d be happy to make arrangements for them.

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