Cognitive Hypnotherapy

Cognitive Hypnotherapy uses a variety of techniques to reframe a person’s unconscious mind which is causing their unwanted issue. Have you ever experienced certain emotions without knowing why? Perhaps feeling anxious for what seems like no reason? Or have you ever been aware that you’re doing something but you can’t seem to stop yourself from doing it? Perhaps smoking or pulling your hair? Or have you ever reacted in a way that then made you question what got over you? Perhaps snapping at your partner or becoming really fearful while doing a presentation at work? These are instances where our unconscious mind has taken over and in Cognitive Hypnotherapy, we look to reframe these unconscious aspects so they should no longer take control as they do.

If you’d like more information on how Cognitive Hypnotherapy works, check out the video below.

Greta Trentin


If you need any particular assistance, please let me know and I’d be happy to make arrangements for them.

If you’d like more information on Cognitive Hypnotherapy or about the NCH you can click on the icons below.